Saturday, December 31, 2011

Life Changing Event

Well, another life changing event for me to add to my tree, but have not quite been able to bring myself to do it just yet. Unlike the death of my Nephew, which was a very sad and very heartbreaking experience to add to my tree, this one is a happy addition to my tree and will hopefully branch out and expand. I just haven't quite been able to do it yet, it makes me a little sad because my little girl has gone and grown up and gotten married. It is a happy time and I will do it, but I'm a little melancholy about having to change her name (add her additional name I should say). She will always be a Whitt, but she is now a Tishy. So, it is time.

I am extremely happy for her, and now that I have had some time to adjust to her being married I will be able to go to my tree and add my new son-in-law to her branch, and will watch it expand over time. I think the last day of 2011 is a good time to add this event before the new year starts. They were married in 2011 so I will make sure they are added to my tree this year also.

Until next time.... Registered & Protected

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